The number one multi-concept solution provider of sustainable pan-Asian cuisine.
Sustainable food and responsible service to create win-win partnerships.
Our customers to lead happy and healthy lifestyles, and our employees and franchise partners to pursue material and intellectual growth.
A true blend of Asian food culture.
We have assembled a world-class team of chefs, ingredients specialists, and quality-assurance professionals, unrivaled in the UK.
We understand that the roots of great food are the ingredients that go into it.
We do our own consumer research, and food research and are deeply immersed in Asian food trends, globally.
We’re not just Japanese food or sushi, but truly Pan-Asian in depth and breadth.
We only use the freshest, highest quality ingredients and offer many options including vegan and vegetarian items.
We follow the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch standards for seafood sourcing and have an extensive sustainability program in place.
We do not use any red-rated or unrated items y seafood watch.
View our Environmental Policy.
Industry-leading food safety training processes.
Our food-safety department is actually involved in educating the FDA about food-safety issues related to sushi products.